SpringBoot (14) Let's start (2/10). Defining users
0. Introduction The users' definition is in the file src/main/resources/config/menus/users.yml The fields used are: id name surname1 surname2 document : The DNI or any other specialRoles : A list of roles for instance [ADMIN, TERCERS, TERRIRORI ] lAccess : a list of menus asnd access level. The fields of this elements are: idMenu : id of the menu whose access level is referred. accessLevel : access level assigned to the userfrom 1 to 6 as shown in the previous post Here is an example with 2 users: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 users: users: #--- Negociats: Nivell 0 - { id : 1 , name : Joan , surname1 : Perez , surname2 : Perez , document : 12345678K , specialRoles : [ ADMIN , TERCERS ], lAccess : [ { idMenu : 1 , accessLevel : 6 }, { idMenu : 2 , accessLevel : 6 }, { idMenu : 3 , accessLevel : 6 }, { idMenu : 6 , accessLevel : 6 }, { idMenu : 8 , accessLevel : 6 } ] } - { id : 2 , name : Pere , surname1 : Lopez , surname2 : Lopera , d...
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