
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2023

SpringBoot (15) Let's start (4/10). Defining a CRUD form from scratch with one simple table/class.

  0. Introduction In a previous post, we could see how to define CRUD form in the YAML file  src/main/resources/config/menus/menus.yml Let's define a CRUD form that counts from one number to another and displays the counting process to the form. These steps should be followed: Define the menu item in the YAML file and also update the field idFills from the parent menu item As no special form is needed the field  url  should be assigned " /crud " Create a Java class PRGrade in the package ximo.xotherapps.model.proves  that extends AuditIdLong  class and implements Base interface Create the database and schema Create i18n elements 1. Updating the menus.yml file Here is the menus.yml file. Notice the yellow elements. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 menus: items: - { id : 8 , name : Informatica , idFills : [ 8-1 , 8-2 , 8-3 , 8-4 ] } - { id : 8-4 , name : Creating Grades, url : '/crud' , modelClassName : PRGrade , pkg : ximo.xotherapps.model.proves , ...

SpringBoot (14) Let's start (3/10). Defining an action form from scratch.

 0. Introduction In a previous post, we could see how to define an action form in the YAML file src/main/resources/config/menus/menus.yml Let's define an action form that counts from one number to another and displays the counting process to the form. These steps should be followed: Define the menu item in the YAML file and also update the field idFills from the parent menu item As no special form is needed the field url should be assigned " /generalActionForm " Create a Java class in the package  ximo.actions with a execute method that accepts two arguments (numbers from and to) and displays the count from the number from to the number to. 1. Updating the menus.yml file Here is the menus.yml file. Notice the yellow elements. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 menus: items: #--- Negociats: Nivell 0 - { id : 8 , name : Informatica , idFills : [ 8-1 , 8-2 , 8-3 ] } - { id : 8-3 , name : DantesqueSpringBootExample , specialRole : ADMIN , url : /gen...

SpringBoot (14) Let's start (2/10). Defining users

0. Introduction  The users' definition is in the file src/main/resources/config/menus/users.yml The fields used are: id name surname1 surname2 document : The DNI or any other specialRoles : A list of roles for instance [ADMIN, TERCERS, TERRIRORI ] lAccess : a list of menus asnd access level. The fields of this elements are: idMenu : id of the menu whose access level is referred. accessLevel : access level assigned to the userfrom 1 to 6 as shown in the previous post Here is an example with 2 users: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 users: users: #--- Negociats: Nivell 0 - { id : 1 , name : Joan , surname1 : Perez , surname2 : Perez , document : 12345678K , specialRoles : [ ADMIN , TERCERS ], lAccess : [ { idMenu : 1 , accessLevel : 6 }, { idMenu : 2 , accessLevel : 6 }, { idMenu : 3 , accessLevel : 6 }, { idMenu : 6 , accessLevel : 6 }, { idMenu : 8 , accessLevel : 6 } ] } - { id : 2 , name : Pere , surname1 : Lopez , surname2 : Lopera , d...

SpringBoot (13) Let's start (1/10). Introduction to defining menu items.

 0. Introduction Four menu item types are used: Menu/submenu : Can have children. They are the parent of a tree. You can go to children. No actions can be performed. No URL can redirect ActionForm : Execute the method of a class and can have parameters. The parameters can be displayed in a form to change any value. A URL is needed CRUD Form : To insert/update/delete objects from a class. A URL is needed. Grid : For displaying database elements in a grid. The file "src/main/resources/config/menus/menus.yml" contains the menu configuration an definition The most important common fields are: id:  must be supplied and must be únique. Typical values "1","1-1","1-2","1-2-1", you can use any id, but it should be easy to  name: Is the description in the menu item accessLevel : Is the minimum access level required for the user to be executed or displayed. By default its value is 1 (0=No permissions required, 1: see, 2: list, 3: edit,4:insert, ...

SpringBoot (12) Summing up (II): settings.gradle, build.gradle

 1. settings.gradle file The only info is the project name rootProject.name = 'WebProp42' 2. build.gradle the important things to note are: The important thing is that the Initializer generates the skeleton . You can use server and client (webjars) dependencies. Here is my particular  file: #================================================================ plugins { id ' java ' id ' org.springframework.boot ' version ' 3.0.6 ' id ' io.spring.dependency-management ' version ' 1.1.0 ' } group = ' ximo ' version = ' 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT ' sourceCompatibility = ' 17 ' configurations { compileOnly { extendsFrom annotationProcessor } } repositories { mavenCentral ( ) maven { url " https://build.shibboleth.net/nexus/content/repositories/releases/ " } } dependencies { implementation ' org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-securi...

SpringBoot (11) Summing up (I): application.yml file: Configuration for tomcat (parameters, SLL, error), servlets, thymeleaf cache, JPA, messages and our own parameters

 1. Tomcat definition in application.yml The Tomcat definition starts with "server". 1.1 Tomcat: Allowing infinite parameters and special characters in the URL To allow curly braces "{}"  server.tomcat.relaxed-query-chars: ['{','}'] To allow infinite params server.tomcat.max-parameter-count: -1   1.2 Tomcat: SSL configuration To allow SSL server.ssl. key-store: classpath:keystores/myServerCert.p12 server.ssl. keyStoreType: pkcs12 server.ssl. key-store-password: myPassword server.ssl. client-auth: need server.port: 8443 1.3 Tomcat: error stacktrace To allow showing error stacktrace server.error. include-stacktrace: always Here is the info displayed in the file application.yml referring to Tomcat #========================================================= server : #==================================================================================== # 1. For accepting "{ }" in parameters and for accepting a long number of parameters ...