Spring Boot (5) Bootstrap 5 multilevel dropdown menu
0. Introduction This post is based on Frontend Paathshala bootstrap-menu.com ByteGrad These components are used 2 classes for defining menus (including the configuration file for reading the YAML file) A YAML file for storing the menu definition A controller of the URL used by the menu A ThymeLeaf file and 2 fragments CSS file 1. The Menu classes (and the configuration class) The menu class has the component of a menu, indicating the name, the href and so on package ximo . menus ; import java . util . ArrayList ; import java . util . List ; import lombok . AllArgsConstructor ; import lombok . Getter ; import lombok . NoArgsConstructor ; import lombok . Setter ; @Getter @Setter @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor public class Menu { private String id ; private String name ; private List < String > idFills ; private String href = "#" ; private List < Menu > fills = new ArrayList < Menu > ( ) ...